Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Interview with Ricci Steez

Tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you from?

Well, Bronx born and raised yet influenced by lower parts of New York City!

What is it about your style in fashion that seperates you from others?

My style is my style and people know that. They know I'm the type to buy what I like if i want to. If something is art of a current trend or not..if I like it, I buy it.

How would you describe your style?

My style matches my personality. It is me.. I say that because talking to me in person you would say "yeah, he looks how he acts and talks" Even if I'm wearing a popular short or piece of clothing it'll be because it fits me and I'm not just trying to be seen.

How did you get the name Ricci Steez?

Ricci Steez came from memories of my aunts, who are West Indian, calling me Ric or Ricci in their accent.LOL. It stuck wit me and Steez is just my style, personality, and mentality in life. It's My steez...and so we have Ricci Steez.

What is it exactly that you do with your life?

What do I do with my life? I explore. Out of curiosity I design and learn what I can in that field. The greatest thing I've witnesses is me actually inspiring other kids around my age to do something great with themselves. Thats awesome to me.

Who are some of the people you worked with?

I've worked with amazing talent like Great Scott, Diggy Simmons on concept art, Rem owner of Assman, Adeen Blog Team and many local brands in NY. I'm currently helping out at Bionic Yarn and theres opportunities all over. I'm very thankful.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Probably a motivation speaker for the next ones coming up in the game. The new wave of inspiration for the new wave of inspiration seeing that's its not impossible no matter the situation.

How do you get your inspiration?

I get inspiration from so many sources. Music, artists, the local talent that have a passion like none other. This all inspires me to be better and help others to be better.

Where can readers find out more about you and your work?

They can follow me on my journey on twitter @RicciSTEEZ and they can follow Hit me up on Facebook and connect and let's make history!

- Ricci Steez

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