Hello Kitty, Hello Kitty, Hello Kitty.......I have been obsessed with Hello Kitty since I was like 4 years old!. She is the reason why my favorite color is Pink!. and my favorite color has not changed since. I'm 14 going on 15 next month! FINALLY. Back to Hello Kitty. I have everything Hello Kitty or shall I say I also had everything Hello Kitty. I had a the Hello Kitty radio/boom box and bed sheets. I have a whole part of my bedroom dedicated to Hello Kitty. I have a Hello Kitty blanket that I had since I was like 6. I made my mom buy the Hello Kitty MAC (make-up) line kit just so I could have the head which was a cup and that cost about $100, $200 dollars and I got the Hello Kitty lip gloss!...That I lost I was pissed :( but, I love my mom for that. Love you mommy. My mom is the reason why I love Hello Kitty sooo much. But now everywhere I go Hello Kitty is following me and I like it. I can spot Hello Kitty anywhere even from like 50 yards away. Some people think they are bigger fans of Hello Kitty than I am they better think twice about telling me that cause they aren't. Last year I had Hello Kitty cupcakes for my birthday and they all had the Hello Kitty rings on top. I still have every single last ring til this day. My brother also surprised me with a Hello Kitty Pez dispenser I was excited. This whole story may sound corny I don't care!.Then like 6 months ago my mom bought me a Hello Kitty necklace from the Kimora Lee Simmons line that I begged her for, for about 1 year after her line came out. I had this necklace for about 6 or 7 months, Til my brother tried to wrestle me and yanked it off my neck. Now let me remind you I've snapped the necklace myself once before and I hated myself for it. But my brother did something waaaaaaay different and my mom was pissed cause the necklace was expensive. I wore this necklace EVERYDAY and nobody saw me without it. Now I don't feel right about without it. Yeaaah! I could go on with this story and my obsession with Hello Kitty but I feel that I have written enough!
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